Andy Stanley's Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets
As host of Your Move with Andy Stanley, which delivers over seven million messages each month through television and podcasts, and author of more than 20 books, Andy Stanley is considered one of the most influential pastors in America. Andy’s team at North Point Ministries needed to promote Andy’s latest book, Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets, and turned to the team at Mighty to help.

After strategizing with the North Point team about how to position the new book in the site, we opted for a book landing page that serves as a standalone promotion page about the book but could still be visually and structurally integrated into the existing Andy Stanley website. The page also serves as a resource library for the book, featuring things like downloadable study guides, videos, and assets for sharing the book on social media.

A Brand to Build On
After a brief content organization exercise, we identified the page content needs as a video trailer, featured endorsements, book description and key points, Andy’s bio, pre-order incentives, a PDF preview, buy links, and a gallery of shareable social media images.
Andy’s audience is tuned in and familiar with his work, so there’s strong brand affinity to lean into. That makes introducing a new title easier. The primary focus of the new book landing page is to grab attention and cut right to the key points. With a strong brand established, we’re more confident in short, scannable content areas (as opposed to long-form content visitors might otherwise need to evaluate a less-certain purchase). Guiding users to that decision point meant large headlines, high contrast imagery, and clear jumping off points to purchase the book.

Steady Hands, Smooth Launch
Mighty usually works from scratch, building our sites in Craft or WordPress. With Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets, we worked with the North Point web team to add the page to Andy’s existing site. Like we practice in the great outdoors, this means being environmentally aware and caring for what’s there! Except in this case, it’s care for a CMS, pre-existing template structures, and the way their current web team manages things. Instead of our usual methods of tracking and automating new code changes to the environment, we had to use FTP and manually track changes. The existing template structures were Twig-based, but things like filters and functions were different because Twig was being parsed by Timber and not CraftCMS. Managing those and other common WordPress differences was a fun challenge. But we kept a light touch, and developed and launched the new addition to the site with no disruption.
Our entire team was impressed with your work on Andy's book launch [for] Better Decisions, Fewer Regrets. We'd love to consider working with Mighty in the Midwest again.
—Kadi Carroll, North Point MinistriesDesign for more than conversions.
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