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A better online experience for an off-campus program

Hope College is part of a consortium through The Philadelphia Center in Philadelphia, PA, an off-campus study program that offers students the opportunity to gain college credit while living and learning independently. Besides managing internships for a range of disciplines, The Philadelphia Center (TPC) also offers student teaching placements in this historic city. The program is now managed by Albion College. At the time, managing the brand and website for the program fell to our partners at Hope College—and they had their work cut out for them.

Client The Philadelphia Center
Location Philadelphia, PA
Services Strategy, Visual Design, Front-end Development, WordPress Development
Montage of images from The Philadelphia Center website


After the redesign of Hope’s own website, the team at Hope began taking a closer look at some of their other web properties. Designed and built in 2008, the TPC site hadn't aged well and wasn't mobile-friendly. Public Affairs and Marketing had already begun work on a new logo and brand guidelines for the program, and the site needed to be overhauled. Besides rolling out a new brand, they wanted to create an experience that was easy for students and parents to navigate. Furthermore, they were working with new stakeholders, and needed a platform that could enable them to deliver program-related content efficiently. Fresh off a great experience with Mighty, they turned to us for help.

Screenshot of the Philadelphia Center Homepage
The Philadelphia Center Homepage


We quickly adapted their new brand into a design system for the web. By reorganizing the information and content of the site—as well as moving it to a CMS that made sense for Hope’s team (in this case, WordPress)—we were able to give Hope’s team easy access to a powerful system. The result is a modular approach, allowing the administrator to select different modules to populate and style layouts on a page-by-page basis.

Image montage of TPC website details

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